Diagnostic Testing for Pets

PepiPets Mobile Van

How It Works

At PepiPets, we want to make maintaining your pet’s health convenient and easy. We do this by working with you, and with your vet. When you utilize the PepiPets’ mobile blood lab, we’ll come to you, removing the unnecessary anxiety of having to take your pet to the vet.

cat reaching up
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Schedule Your Appointment

Be your pet's best friend and schedule a blood, fecal, or urine sample for diagnostic testing in the comfort of your home. Coming to you reduces the amount of anxiety on your pet (and you!)

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Get A Prescription

Contact your veterinarian to get a prescription for the tests, or we can call your vet on your behalf to handle it for you.

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PepiPets Mobile Comes To You

We come to your home - where your pet is comfortable - to draw a sample for diagnostic testing.

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We Run Your Pet’s Tests And Get You (And Your Vet) The Results

Samples are processed results in as little as 24 hours and provide the results to you online and to your veterinarian.

PepiPets Mobile

At PepiPets, we understand the time and frustration that trips to the vet can cause. It’s inconvenient for you, and it’s stressful on your pet. That’s why we've created a modern solution to pet diagnostic testing —PepiPets Mobile.

Whether your dog or cat requires blood, fecal or urine tests, there is no longer a need for you to make a special trip to the vet. Instead, you can simply make an appointment with our mobile service, and we’ll come to you.

Convenient Pet Health Solutions

Making an appointment, taking time out of your day, and even getting your pet into the vet’s office can be frustrating and time-consuming. With PepiPets that’s no longer an issue. Our mobile service makes getting blood work and other diagnostic testing done for your pet simple and convenient. We’ll come to your home – on your schedule – and handle all of the test samplings right then and there.

PepiPets Mobile isn’t just more convenient for you and less stressful for your pet; it also eliminates delays in your pet getting the medical care it needs. Click here to see our Lab & Diagnostics Prices.

24-Hour Test Results

At PepiPets, we understand how important it is for your pet’s lab results to come back quickly, especially if you have a health concern. That’s why we’ll have our lab results ready for you online in 24 hours. We’ll also share the results with your veterinarian.

We Partner With Veterinarians, Animal Hospitals, and Telehealth Providers

At PepiPets, we’ll handle the blood work, while your vet takes care of the diagnostics and medical care. It’s our vision to work with your veterinarian to provide your pet with a better level of care and more convenient solutions for maintaining their health. We strive to provide access to quality pet diagnosis solutions for every pet parent.

Pet diagnostic tests are performed to maintain your pet’s health.  Prescriptions for necessary tests may include elective surgery, yearly physical exams, illness, dental work, worrisome behaviors, or long-term management of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease, allergies, etc. In New Jersey, a prescription from a veterinarian is required for PepiPets Lab & Diagnostic testing.

Given the importance of laboratory tests to the health and longevity of pets, PepiPets strives to provide pet parents with more convenient, less stressful, and less expensive options for obtaining these essential diagnostics. Currently, pet owners are limited to scheduling diagnostic tests with their veterinarians. Not only are these appointments often inconvenient, but the vet office environment is also stressful to most dogs and cats. PepiPets can offer the same tests, performed at the same labs with more convenient options for scheduling and at significant cost savings to owners. Finally, we are sure your pet will feel more comfortable within their own home or at our animal-friendly PepiPets locations.